Facing Life Trials with Faith

Paulina Christine Salvador

June 10, 2024 / Spiritual / English High School

Life is a rollercoaster, consisting of many highs and many lows, and occasionally a lot of twists and turns. Life is unpredictable; we never know when something good will happen or when a problem will surface. It will just simply happen, and we will need to face it. We praise and thank God whenever something good happens to us, and it motivates us to believe and trust in His will. But why do we stray from Him whenever something bad happens? Aren’t we supposed to stick to Him and let Him guide us through it?

Unfortunately, when facing difficult trials, the majority turn their backs on God, including me. I still believe in God, but I didn’t believe that He had the best interest for me. I thought He was punishing me, and I was mad at Him because I felt like I was the one who was wronged. I knew that I couldn’tgive up, so I went on with my life without trusting the will of God. I stopped reading the Bible and praying, because I felt like He couldn’t help me. I’ve made choices even if it didn’t glorify Him, but after everything, I just felt so alone and lost.

I realized that it was a test given by God and I ultimately failed. I needed to trust His wisdom as He is my light to guide me through the darkness. I took matters into my own hands to try to mend the problem, but it didn’t make things better. I needed to trust Him to do the work and that everything will work out in the end. And it did.

A lot of people will view God as cruel for allowing people to suffer, but we must realize that these trials make us stronger. It is during these times that we need God more, that we need to trust Him and let Him take control of the situation. Each trial is a chance to develop resilience, patience, and perseverance. Each trial is a way for us to get closer to the Lord.

Life’s trials should not be seen as punishment but as opportunities to strengthen our connection with God. We must take comfort and refuge in God as He is our rock during hard times. We must learn that straying away is not the solution, but we must put all our trust in Him as everything will work out in the end.

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